Situs ini dibawah naungan Yayasan Insani Mandiri Santani (IMSI), dengan lembaga penerbit Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) IMSI.

DOI Prefik 10.61567



    The scopes of the journal include, but not limited to, the following areas: corporate governance, human resource management, strategic management, entrepreneurship, marketing, e-business, services, information technology management, production & operations management, financial management, decision analysis, public administration/management, management research methods and managerial economics.  The journal is published annually 2 times every  July and December.

  • Journal Innovation Informatics (JII)

    JII (Journal Innovation Informatics) JII (Journal Innovation Informatics) merupakan jurnal yang dikelola langsung oleh yayasan Insani Mandiri Santani untuk menerbitkan artikel Ilmah Dosen, Mahasiswa dengan kosentrasi dibidang Teknologi dan Perkembangan Ilmu Teknologi.
  • JCOSIS (Journal Computer Science and Information Systems)

    JCOSIS (Journal Computer Science and Information Systems) is a blind peer review paper dedicated journal, This journal publishes all the research results of lecturers and students in the fields of :
    1. Data Science
    2. Information Technology
    3. Science Technology
    4. Electrical Engineering
    5. Deep Learning
    6. Machine Learning
    7. Computer Vision
    8. Image Processing

    This journal is open-based without having to subscribe to anything and can be used in further writing citations. The journal publishes regularly twice a year, in December and July. This journal is published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) under the Insani Mandiri Santani Foundation (IMSI). All published articles in the JCOSIS Journal are open-access and are freely available online without having to subscribe.