
  • Ilham Nopianto Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
  • Islamuddin Islamuddin Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu
  • Meilaty Finthariasari Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu



This study was to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence, competence and job
stress on the performance of employees at Regional Public Hospital, Central Bengkulu.
The aims of this study to determine the influence between emotional intelligence,
competence and work stress on employee performance, both are partially and
simultaneously. The object of this study was 149 employees of RSUD Central Bengkulu,
with the convenience sampling method. Data collection methods are taken through
questionnaires and observations. The results found the variables of emotional intelligence
(X1), competence (X2), work stress (X3) partially, and simultaneously have a significant
effect on employees’ performance variables (Y). This is seen from multiple linear
regression equation where Y=1,690+0.390 (X1)+0.170 (X2)-0.248 (X3). While, the
multiple linear regression analysis showed its influence on emotional intelligence
variables, competence and work stress on employee performance (Y), which is shown
from the adjusted R square value was 0.812. This means that the magnitude of influence
of variable emotional intelligence, competence and work stress is only able to influence
81.2% on employee performance variable (Y).


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